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Discover your roots. Retrace the path of your ancestors back 150,000 years to its ancient roots in Africa.
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Ancestral Origins

Discover your roots. Retrace the path of your ancestors back 150,000 years to its ancient roots in Africa.
Discover Your Ethnic Roots
World’s only ethnic roots database.
Compare fast mutating markers to over 5000 scientifically published ethnic and geographical groups.
Find out where your ancestors came from
Obtain real time geographical overviews of how your markers compare to markers from different parts of the world. Login to your control panel at any time to check the progress of the project and find new and exciting information about your ancestry.
Find out where your ancestors came from
Obtain real time geographical overviews of how your markers compare to markers from different parts of the world. Login to your control panel at any time to check the progress of the project and find new and exciting information about your ancestry.
Find out where your ancestors came from
Obtain real time geographical overviews of how your markers compare to markers from different parts of the world. Login to your control panel at any time to check the progress of the project and find new and exciting information about your ancestry.
The Perfect Holiday Gift
Unique. Dynamic. A lifetime of Discovery.
Find out if you descended from the Jewish Cohen Priestly Line
Kohen (Cohen, Kohanim, Cohanim) is a Jewish priestly line. Families who belong to this line have a distinct Y-DNA STR profile. Test your Y-DNA STR markers to find out if you are a descendant of the Cohen lineage.
Discover the story of your past
Trace your ancestry back in time and make exciting discoveries about your family history.
Find out if you descended from the Notorious High King of Ireland
Naill was legendary Irish High King. DNA test confirmed the existence of 3 millions of descendants from around the world. Researchers has found a specific unique Y-DNA STR marker profile in a large proportion of Irish men.
Test the Same Markers the Pros Use
Most basic ancestry tests in the market use DNA chips to detect only one type of marker, the SNP marker. We offer technologies which allow testing of more than just SNP, including Sanger Sequencing for reading the entire mtDNA sequence as well as Fragment Analysis to detect Y-DNA and Autosomal STR markers which are widely used by professionals for forensic investigations.

Are you one of the 17 million descendants of Genghis Khan?
He was a ruthless conqueror, who founded the largest empire in history. And, even 700 years after his death, Genghis Khan’s “Super Y” lineage is still passed on from generation to generation. Find out if you may have family links to Genghis Khan, the Father of the Mongol Nation.
It was so fun comparing to the Famous DNA database. After finishing with the Titanic project, I was astounded by all the other historical projects in the database that I can match myself against. Famous DNA matching is amazing!

GeneAncestry, Thank you. Finally a service that I can do more with my DNA. If all I wanted was just a chart with percentages would have been OK with any in the market, but for all the Famous DNA dynamic projects available and the confirmative answer I receive from the Immediate Family Match, there really isn't any comparison.Look forward to the upcoming projects. Cheers.

Love your new projects! It is refreshing to see the exciting contents coming up each week. I recommend GeneAncestry.

Thank you for notifying me when matches are found. It is always exciting to connect with people who share the same paternal ancestry as I do, and find out how many generations ago we shared a common paternal ancestor.

Explore your family ties to Marie Antoinette and the House of Habsburg
Empress Maria Theresa’s daughter, Marie Antoinette comes from a long line of Austrian nobility. She was the last Queen of France and was nicknamed “Madame Deficit” because of her prolific spending. Find out if you have family links to the royal line of Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresa and the great House of Habsburg.
Discover if you are related to Ötzi the Iceman
Otzi and his fellow Tyroleans lived in the Copper age more than 5000 years ago. Research tells us that they were the ancestors of modern day Europeans, particularly in Corsican and Sardinia. Find out if you may have family links to Otzi, Europe’s oldest iceman found to date.