World’s Largest Collection of Historical Projects

Already taken a standard DNA chip ancestry test and looking for more? Dig deeper with fast mutating marker ancestry testing. More marker types, more databases, more power. . . Join Now

World’s Largest Collection of Historical Projects

Already taken a standard DNA chip ancestry test and looking for more? Dig deeper with fast mutating marker ancestry testing. More marker types, more databases, more power. . .

Join Now

Take your DNA Ancestry to the next level


Participate in dozens of exciting historical projects to uncover the story of your past.


Not just SNP markers! Test the same markers the pros use: STR, VNTR and more much!


Not just a static piece of paper. Ongoing updates and new projects added all the time!

More Features. More Power.

With more features and markers, you can do what is not possible with standard ancestry tests.

Test the Same Markers the Pros Use

Most basic ancestry tests in the market use DNA chips to detect only one type of marker, the SNP marker. We offer technologies which allow testing of more than just SNP, including Sanger Sequencing for reading the entire mtDNA sequence, as well as Fragment Analysis to detect Y-DNA STR and Autosomal STR markers which are widely used by professionals for forensic investigations.

Did you descend from royalty?

Discover your ties to royalty and legendary figures. We offer the world’s most comprehensive database of historical projects. Compare yourself against royalty, world leaders, religious figures, forensic investigations and much more.

What are fast mutating DNA markers?

STR versus SNP markers

There is more than one type of marker that can be used for ancestry: STR and SNP. STR markers mutate rapidly, at a rate of once every 20 generations. Fast mutating STR markers can be used to trace recent ancestry, within the past hundreds of years. SNP markers mutate very slowly, once every few thousand years. Slow mutating SNP markers can only trace deep ancestry from thousands of years ago, and do not provide any information on recent ancestral events.

Zero in on your Ancestral origins

World’s only ethnic roots database.

Compare fast mutating markers to over 5,000 scientifically published ethnic and geographical groups.

Zero in on your Ancestral origins

World’s only ethnic roots database.

Compare fast mutating markers to over 5,000 scientifically published ethnic and geographical groups.

Ongoing Updates

You take part in dynamic DNA projects that are updated constantly. Not just a boring static paper report.

Most scientific studies use STR markers

You need to test your STR markers if you want to dig deeper. Powerful family matching capabilities. We test core CODIS markers, the same markers relied upon for forensic investigations.

Archaeological Ruins
Forensic Investigations

Most scientific studies use STR markers

You need to test your STR markers if you want to dig deeper. Powerful family matching capabilities. We test core CODIS markers, the same markers relied upon for forensic investigations.

Archaeological Ruins
Forensic Investigations